“I’m too old. I’m 40!” Was my exact thought process when I realized I simply wasn’t going to be happy sticking it out as a Fire Chief for the rest of my working life. I’d already been through one big career transition from working in HR to becoming a firewoman. Surely I was too old now for another switch?!
I was stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Not only was my career making me unhappy and ruining my family life… I was suffering from PTSD and having thoughts of ending it all. So major change was my only option! My biggest regret is that I let it get so bad before I did something to make the career change.
Working with a career coach literally saved my life.
It all started with figuring out what I knew I didn’t want. I didn’t want to be so stressed out that I had no time or energy to be nice to my family at the end of the day. I didn’t want to be working my entire life with no space to just... be me…and do things that made me happy. I wanted to be in control of when I worked. I wanted to be able to spend more time in the US with my daughter and not have to wait for my handful of vacation days.
I had no idea what my dream career would look like, but I was desperate to find out!
The fear on the other side of having the dream career I wanted was so big and overwhelming for a time. But I guess the pain got even bigger… and making the transformation became a non-negotiable for me!
Now I’m committed to making sure no woman ever has to get to such a dark place before birthing her dream life.
Because it’s so glorious on the other side of a new career! And fear really is the only thing standing in our way of getting what we want. Fear and excuses. Like “I’m too old!” Turns out I wasn’t too old to launch a multiple 6-figure business, to be my own boss, to work from wherever I feel like – whether that’s a little cabin on a mountain with no running water, my home in Norway, or with my family in Florida!
And most importantly – I found work that I LOVE.
Working as a Career Transformation Coach I now help other women to transform to a new career that brings them the money, freedom and flexibility they’ve been craving their entire life. My one message I want other women to take away is that you don’t have to settle for anything you don’t totally love.
Others around you may seem OK with the status quo. It doesn’t mean you have to be!
Yes career change can be scary, but it’s so important to get the support to do it. Please take it from me – having someone to believe in your dreams along side you is thebiggest gift you can give to yourself and your family. I’m so grateful I reached out and took action. I healed myself, found my dream career and totally transformed my happiness. My family is so grateful I did.
Are you ready to stop settling and to say YES to your dream career (even if you don’t know what that might be!)?
Book your Free Breakthrough Session with me by clicking here.